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The Prestigious Professional Approach

The Prestigious Professional specializes in providing culturally competent, justice-oriented and affordable career coaching for African Americans in the Twin Cities Metro area. We are here to inspire people who have not yet found a sense of purpose in the workforce with a vision of obtaining generational wealth for our families of color.

We start where you are

We all have a past but Prestigious Professional will focus on your future. We meet people where they are without judgement. Coach Jakckie thrives on helping all minority groups, low income families, individuals with disabilities, people with a poor job history, and people with a criminal record to overcome barriers to finding purposeful work. This is the place where you can come to talk about personal barriers that you may be experiencing and what you can do to fix it to be successful and happy. Whether you are employed, unemployed, a student, retired, or considering a career move, if you do not feel a sense of purpose in your work, Prestigious Professional is here for you.

Person-centered career coaching

Some career coaching services are job-focused, but Prestigious Professional is person-centered. You aren’t just a potential employee, you’re an individual with needs and goals for your own life! It’s important for me to know my client’s background to understand where they were, where they are today, and where they are trying to go moving forward. I don’t see your life history as a deficit, but as a resource of skills and experience that you can use to get purposeful work.

When we talk about the barriers you face, I need to know what you like, what do you not like, what’s going good, what’s not going good. Sometimes we misunderstand the barriers we face, and we need to dig deeper to figure out the best way forward. And when we talk about your dreams, I want you to dream big! What do you want your life to be like? What change do you want to make in this world? What does financial freedom and success look like to you?

Culturally Competent & Justice Oriented

Government career services don't necessarily understand the history and systemic factors that impact career choices for African Americans and other POCI. Prestigious Professional draws on a deep knowledge of African American History and current systemic employment and economics factors that impact our communities. 

As an African American woman I see these barriers and their impacts every day in my own community. I know how social injustice and oppression has affected my family for generations. I can identify how it has affected me my mother, my grandmother, my brothers, my friends. I’m living in a different generation from my mom and grandmother so I see possibilities for improvement for my race of people of my mother and grandmother couldn’t hope to see. And I’ve had the privilege of having support and access to education and have found a purposeful career for myself and I have a vision of that kind of future for all the individuals in my community. Just thinking about how the system and society had affected my family up until where I am today I can’t help not to make this my mission to try to give back and make a difference to make others.


In the past I’ve done a lot of career counseling for individuals eligible for waivered programs like . But I know there are so many people in my community who need the kind of person-centered career coaching I was providing that don’t have access to those waivered service or who don’t feel comfortable working with government employed career counselors who don’t look like them and don’t understand their lives. I believe you don't have to be desperate to want better for yourself and your work life. I offer my service to regular people working their shifts to make ends meet. I offer a menu of services for people with different budgets in mind, and I work with individuals to negotiate a rate you can afford

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